Safety Measures & Infection Control Practices
Creating a Safe Environment
In light of recent events, the world is practicing new safety measures. At Aurora Dental Wellness we want everyone that enters our office to know that we are committed to their safety, not only as a result of Covid-19 but because that is the way it always should be! However, due to the spread of this virus in particular, additional precautions need to be implemented to keep that safety exemplary and in line with recommendations from our governing bodies including, the state of Indiana, Board of Health, ADA (American Dental Society), IDA (Indiana Dental Society), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and the CDC (Center for Disease Control).
Here is our Covid-19 Protocol:
We ask anyone that feels sick, has a cough, sneezing, sore throat or has any other flu like symptoms to please refrain from coming in.
We ask patients to please come alone to appointments. UNLESS the patient is a minor or needs assistance.
Only patients will be allowed in the clinical area. If the patient needs someone to accompany them to their appointment we ask that only the patient come back to the operatory if at all possible.
Only ONE companion will be allowed back to operatory if absolutely necessary and that person will be required to wear a mask.
Virtual Waiting Room - Patients/Visitors are asked to check-in from your car. When you arrive for your appointment we ask that you call the front desk to let us know you are here and wait in your car.
A staff member will come out and assist you to the foyer.
Front office changes:
No magazines - Our waiting room will no longer be equipped with magazines or activities which makes it less exciting but it also makes it much safer.
Clear Barriers - Clear barriers have been placed and are cleaned regularly to help block the movement of airborne particles.
Pre-screening - When you brought into the foyer, we will have you use the available hand sanitizer or wash your hands. A no touch temperature check will be taken. Patient's will be asked to complete a brief screening survey and sign an informed consent form. From there you will be immediately taken back to one of the dental treatment rooms.
Anti-microbial rinse - We ask that you brush and floss before your visit. When you arrive we will provide you with an oral mouth rinse to rinse your mouth for 60 seconds to help reduce bacteria
Protective Eyewear - All patients are required to wear protective eyewear, provided by the office, or their own during dental procedures.
No outside patient gloves allowed - To minimize cross-contamination, we ask you to dispose of any outside gloves prior to entering.
No outside cleaners allowed - Some chemicals just do not mix. Rest-assured we use clinical grade EPA registered high level disinfectants in each of our treatment rooms, after every patient and are having team members regularly wiping down all areas of the office throughout the day. Please do not bring in any outside cleaning agents in an attempt to ensure the rooms are clean. We have that covered for you.
Although we love our patients, we will have to put off our handshakes/hugs at this time.
Sequential scheduling - We are allocating more time between visits to allow for patient distancing, cleaning and disinfecting.
We ask that any patients who experience Covid-like symptoms within 14 days of their visit inform us promptly
Team Members
Advanced Staff Training - Each member of our team has had additional training to be prepared to create a safe environment.
Daily Health Checks of Our Team - Upon entering each staff member will have no contact temperature checks and a set of questions to ensure they are able to provide safe care.
Team Personal Hygiene - Our team members will have their hair worn up, no long fingernails, no jewelry/watches while in the office.
Team members will be changing into and out of our freshly washed scrubs at the office everyday and are not to wear scrubs outside the office. Team members will wear a pair of wipeable shoes designated for the office only.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - We may look a little different!
As health care providers we follow universal precautions to protect ourselves and our patients. These precautions will continue, with a few changes.
Masks - The smiles of our clinical team will be hidden by our new masking procedures.
We are now wearing either N95/KN95 masks or surgical level 3 masks with a mask cover over top.
When going to get patient
Upon entering any occupied treatment room
During all procedures
Face Shield - During procedures that produce aerosols we will also be wearing a FACE SHIELD.
Gowns - Everyone working directly with patients in the treatment rooms will be required to wear a surgical gown
Surgical Caps - Clinical team members are required to wear surgical cap hair coverings during all procedures
Protective Eyewear - All staff must wear protective eyewear or glasses with side shields during all procedures
Gloves - All staff wear Nitrile gloves and are disposed of and changed between patients.
Scrubs/Shoes - All clinical attire will be laundered at the office. Clinical shoes will be left at the office.
NO PPE is permitted in staff areas, restrooms, or behind the front desk.
Office and Treatment
Aerosol Reduction:
We will require HAND SCALING only during dental cleanings.
High speed evacuation will be utilized during all aerosol creating procedures.
Infection Control Protocol
In addition to the above safety measures and protocols, Aurora Dental Wellness has an extensive Infection Control Protocol that not only encompasses the additional safety measures of above but includes standard precautions that are to be followed within the dental office.
Here we will provide a summarized outline of our office Infection Control Protocol. Patient's are welcome to ask us to see our entire protocol at any time.
Summarized Infection Control Protocol:
Hand hygiene-
Staff are to utilize proper hand washing technique.
Staff are to wash hands and/or utilize hand sanitizer in between patients, upon reentering treatment room, after breaks etc.
Staff are to utilize proper PPE as appropriate.
Use surface barriers to protect clinical contact surfaces, particularly those that are difficult to clean (switches on dental chairs) and commonly touched items (keyboards, computer mouse, light handles, etc). Barriers are changed between patients.
Clean and disinfect clinical contact surfaces that are not barrier protected by using an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant after each patient.
Clean housekeeping surfaces (e.g. floors, walls, sinks) with a detergent and water or an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant/detergent on a routine basis,
Instrument Sterilization-
Correct cleaning, packaging, sterilizer loading procedures, sterilization methods, or high-level disinfection methods should be followed to ensure that an instrument is adequately processed and safe for reuse on patients
All non-disposable instruments are heat and pressure sterilized between every use.
Instruments are not handled until patients enter into the treatment room.
Clean and heat sterilize handpieces and other intraoral instruments that can be removed from the air and water lines of dental units between patients.
Use mechanical, chemical and biological monitors according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure the effectiveness of the sterilization process.
Maintain sterilization records in compliance with state and local regulations.
Dental Water Unit-
Regular appropriate maintenance protocols for all water delivery systems are to be completed and monitored to maintain the recommended quality of dental water.